Oh after saying so much, I’ve yet to introduce myself. HEY YO once again. :) I’m AKOS and I’ve just joined the funky TPSD family. Due to my super-CUTE hair and ultimate-SEXY body, I’m not easily spotted in sch. But once spotted, crowds will gather around me. :D Take a look at my picture~
Why I’m name AKOS? Simply reverse my name and you’ll get S-O-K-A! COOL right! I just loveee my name & my hair & my body. :DD Alright enough of my introduction, let me get to the main highlight. I’m sure the name Daisaku Ikeda will not sound alien to most of us who practice Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism or those who are believers as well. But how well do we actually know about his background, his achievements or even his married life? SO SO SO, this week, I’m going to bring everyone back to the past (81 years ago) and share with your more about our dear mentor-DAISAKU IKEDA. :))
Daisaku Ikeda’s Early Life
Dear Daisaku Ikeda was born in Tokyo, 1928 as the 5th son in a family that harvested seaweed. Since young, he has always been in weak health condition. He grew up in Tokyo at a time of war in Japan and his family has been devastated by war:
1) his house has been destroyed by air raids twice
2) hearing stories of Japanese soldiers committing atrocities acts in China from his eldest brother, Kiichi
3) his four brothers were all drafted into war
4) his eldest brother, Kiichi died during the war
Thus leading to his hatred for war and yearning of the right philosophy of life. He writes:
"I was 17 when World War II ended. There was among young people a tormented sense of spiritual void. It wasn't just the physical landscape that had been reduced to ashes. The bizarre system of values drilled into us in the wartime years had been exposed as fraudulent and razed to the ground... I found it impossible to trust the intellectuals and politicians who, having sung the praises of war and driven large numbers of young people to their deaths, overnight became apostles of peace and democracy."
His turning point in life – Meeting Toda Sensei
During a discussion meeting, Daisaku Ikeda’s friend invited him to attend the meeting. At the age of 19 (14th August 1947), he met Josei Toda. He asked Josei Toda the question “What is the correct way of life?” Toda answered and he felt that Josei Toda was a man he could follow and believe in because Tsunesaburo Makiguchi – 1st president of Soka Gakkai & Josei Toda – 2nd president of Soka Gakkai, stood up against the Japanese government against the war. So Daisaku Ikeda found Josei Toda an open and unaffected person, a man of unshakable conviction with a gift for explaining profound Buddhist concepts in logical, accessible terms.
He soon found employment at one of Josei Toda's company and later completed his education under the tutelage of Josei Toda, whom became his mentor in life.
In May 1960, 2 years after Josei Toda's death, Daisaku Ikeda, then 32, succeeded him as president of the Soka Gakkai.
Under his leadership, the movement began an era of innovation and expansion, becoming actively engaged in cultural and educational endeavours worldwide. Ikeda has dedicated himself to fulfilling Toda's dreams by developing initiatives in the areas of peace, culture and education.
In 1975, Ikeda became the first president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), now a global network linking over 12 million members in 190 countries and territories.
WOOO… Yeah! So that was the summarisation of Daisaku Ikeda, from the time he was born till how he has met his mentor, Josei Toda. And the best is yet to come!!!!
Go grab some snacks and continue reading. NEXT will be on Daisaku Ikeda’s married life….
How they know each other?
Daisaku Ikeda first know Shiraki (Kaneko’s brother) at his workplace and he later learned that Shiraki’s family had joined the Soka Gakkai before the war. Thus they started to have common topic. During 1 of the train ride, Shiraki introduced Kaneko and said, “This is my sister.” And Daisaku Ikeda said something like, “Oh, hi!” and they exchanged nods. That was their 1st encounter. Kaneko was working at the bank then and they had occasion to see each other often as they always take the same direction home. Whenever they met each other, their discussions would range from the stars in the night sky to the state of the Soka Gakkai and its future plans. Kaneko will always listened and keep up with his grand scale of thoughts.
Daisaku Ikeda’s 1st move:
1 day in July, Daisaku Ikeda rushed to a member’s home to attend a Gakkai meeting and Kaneko was the only one there. Outside, thunder sound keep hitting, but inside the quiet room, only silence could be heard. So, Daisaku Ikeda took out a piece of paper and started penning down a verse and handed to Kaneko. It wrote:
“Waiting out the storm, fiercely pounds my heat. Is it leaping at the thought of the storm? No, I know it beats strongly but only in secret. Oh, my heart has found. In you a flowing fountain. It seeks in you a blossoming flower.”
The poem Daisaku Ikeda gave was a love poem. Thus Kaneko was very surprised. Until that time, she had only admires him from afar. After receiving the poem, she began to have feelings for him.
Slowly, love blossomed and they got married on May 3, 1952 when Kaneko just turned 20.
How Daisaku Ikeda propose?
He simply said, “Put your trust in me and stick with me.”
Memorable gift that sensei had gave Kaneko:
1st thing is the wedding ring. He said, “Look, these are diamonds!” and indeed there were 2 shiny stones on it. He added, “These symbolize the 2 of us.” However, over the year, the “diamonds” started to lose their luster. Later, they found out that they were made of zircon (a crystalline mineral that looks like diamonds).
The 2nd thing was a tiny pill case with jewels like emeralds glittering on the lid, a small present Daisaku Ikeda bought for Kaneko on his 1st trip to United States. When he handed that gift to Kaneko, he told her, “These are real, and the case was expensive.” But just so happen that when they went to United States the other time, they found the exact same thing at a roadside stall. When Kaneko saw it, she exclaimed, “Look! It’s 1 dollar!” Daisaku Ikeda burst out laughing. “I’ve been caught!” But these were Kaneko’s fond memory. Isn’t Daisaku Ikeda sweet yet humorous? :D
Kaneko gave birth to her 1st son, Hiromasa at 21; her 2nd son, Shirohisa at 22; and 3rd son, Takahiro at 26.
2 yrs later, Daisaku Ikeda became president of Soka Gakkai, thus making Kaneko the wife of the president at the young age of 28. Shirohisa die from illness at age of 29. The 3 boys had deep respect for their father though Daisaku Ikeda was always travelling overseas for the sake of world peace. But whenever time allows, he will spend quality time and bond with his sons.
Daisaku Ikeda always says: “She (Kaneko Ikeda) is a partner and a companion, at times a nurse and an invaluable assistant, at times like a mother, a friend or sister. But most of all she has been my best and closest comrade through all life's struggles.”
Aren’t Daisaku Ikeda and Kaneko Ikeda a role model of an idea marriage? :)
Here are some milestones and achievements of Daisaku Ikeda.
24 April 1979:
To resolve the conflict and prevent Gakkai members from being subjected to further abuse from the priesthood, Daisaku Ikeda announces his resignation from the position of Soka Gakkai president at a prefecture leaders meeting. He becomes honorary Soka Gakkai president.
Nichiren Shoshu priests, joined by a number of corrupt and scheming Gakkai members who had discarded their faith. The Priesthood even refrain Ikeda from speaking or encouraging the members.
July 1980:
Daisaku Ikeda decided to begin writing the Human Revolution again. Years earlier, he had finished the last volume, but much had happened since then.
Home Visits:
Visiting members in their homes is an essential activity. It was one that Mr. and Mrs. Ikeda delighted in.
Daisaku Ikeda was named as the 6th most influential figure in Japan.
Daisaku Ikeda was also named in the Times Magazine as the most powerful person in the world.
"I firmly believed that, though I was alone, true companions would one day naturally join me again, without my saying a word. We would unite in the oneness of mentor and disciple to strive, to soar, to advance, to triumph together, without limit. I was waiting for the new companions of a new era to appear."
Daisaku Ikeda also constantly hold dialogues with world great leaders, scholars, writers and educators such as Rosa Parks, Zhou Enlai, Nelson Mandela... and their discussion topics usually covers a wide range.
British historian Soviet Premier Aleskey Kosygin (1975)
Premier Wen Jiabao (2007)
The interest of the Japanese has increased since the famous Japanese philosopher and humanist, Daisaku Ikeda got the world award for Humanity by the Ohrid Academy of Humanism in 2007. Ohrid was presented in the newspaper, "Seiko Shimbun" and also an article about the religion conference of October was printed in the "Soka Gakkai" magazine.
On 21st March 2009 Daisaku Ikeda had received his 250th Honorary Doctorate in Soka University. In fact there are still more to come, close to 300 of doctorate. Till now, he had received his 500th honorary citizenship.
In the nearly 50 years since becoming president of the Soka Gakkai lay Buddhist association at the age of 32, Daisaku Ikeda had been doing what he could for world peace and some include personal diplomacy during the Cold War, ongoing dialogues with a broad range of individuals from around the world, numerous publications and proposals and the founding of various peace-related institutions…more more more.
Daisaku Ikeda was also an educator where he founded many schools, from kindergarten to junior school to high school to university. In Singapore, we too have a Soka Kindergarten located at Tampines.
President Ikeda continued to establish warm bonds with members, however he could. Those human connections are not the result of one's leadership position (or lack of one), nor are they a result of any inequality of position -- those precious bonds are the result of one human being caring and encouraging another, heart to heart.
And "the new companions of a new era" that President Ikeda sought are the Youth Division members, whose pure, uncorrupted faith allows them to always advance, no matter what. President Ikeda's spirit was to always put the members first. His concern was not about his position in the organization or about status, but only about establishing true bonds of friendship with others, no matter what. This is the lesson that we cherish today.
Hope the above post had let your understand more on Daisaku Ikeda. If you have any question, comment, feedback, suggestion or opinion, feel free to voice out. AKOS will be more than happy to hear from you. Till then hope to see everyone soon and do take care peeps! SAYONARA~
Can you tell me where you got the older photographs of Daisaku and Kaneko Ikeda. I am working on a project and I would like to properly credit the photographs.
You can email me at mlavoraperry @ gmail DOT com.
Thanks in advance for the help.
HI I saw so many new things about sensei can u pls give me the book reference to sensei's Marriage and love life. I am also looking forward for the images can u pls mail me, i WIll be greatful - me.viscom@gmail.com
Awesome what you've done. I just came back from a Men's Division seminar at the Florida Nature and Culture Center and your page adds to my visit there. It really brings home the humanism of our mentor as did my visit to Ikeda Hall this weekend. Again, thanks for publishing another view of the history of Sensei. myoho49@gmail.com
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